Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Celebrate Christ's Easter Sunday!

"...I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die..."  John 11:25, 26

Easter Sunday is not rabbits' day,
Nor it is egg hunting here and there.
It's never "bunny with eggs it lay"
Or egg-a-hatching bunny's babe.

"Funny!" This is just I say;
How people can really quite agree.
And some churches even play
Hunting eggs and bunnies' tale.

Where is Jesus by the way,
In this Easter Sunday glee?
When He is all our first priority;
He died that we may live.

We owe Him all our very days,
Yesterdays, today, future free.
The saved in heaven will then lay,
So celebrate Christ's Easter Day!

(c) March 2010, Luisa Mercado

Easter Sunday is remembrance of Jesus Christ's resurrection.  It is giving utmost recognition to Christ as  Savior and Lord of all (not the dead-every-year, stiff, pathetic idol in a coffin).  He has given everyone a chance to  eternity with Him, if only people accept Him as personal Lord and Savior. His resurrection means the worthy dead will be resurrected, too, and all His people will be transformed.  What great privilege for true Christians!

We have been told to commemorate Easter Sunday with joy in our hearts. The saved celebrate it more because Christ's death and resurrection mean assurance of heaven despite unworthiness.   Friends, more than His birth, isn't Christ's resurrection great news?

Jesus is alive and He lives forevermore!  To God be the glory.  Amen.

                                                       - Mike and Luisa

MckLinky Blog Hop

Friday, March 12, 2010

Facing Difficulties To Go Online

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58

Mike and I have always had these greatest desire to keep posting articles for God's glory.  Yet,  we are facing difficulties to go online specially on my part as I am the one posting all our articles (Mike is working a full time maintenance job and has no time to do this, but he provides the article, too). 

You see, the computer at home needs major repair. We cannot afford a new one.  In the Philippines, a new computer means big budget. What with meager income, prioritizing expenses is a must.

Being paralyzed and financially very limited, I cannot go daily to the internet cafe to update our blog much as I want to.  Mike is in Canada while I am in the Philippines, too, so he cannot help me much.   Blog posting takes a lot of time (I usually spent hours in the computer because of this), effort, cost and too much dedication.  It is not taken for granted specially  when the reason is for the glory of the ALMIGHTY GOD!

Since God is lifted up, He knows when to repay.  Mike and I always believe we will go online soon and often.  God knows our hearts. 

Friends, see you soon in His appointed time!