Fathers, too, enjoyed eating ice cream while somebody took picture of them on cam!
Shhh... he was praying.
...and they played.
They listened to God's word, too!
Maria Elena Escasiñas said on Facebook:
"♥Thank you for people who have decided to go out their ways in helping us not only in prayers, but also in sharing of their resources and of giving us financial assistance. I'm blessed to have friends and family members, who volunteered to helped out on last Saturday's event. Honestly, it's really humbling. God is so good and ever merciful. Only one life so soon it will pass, only what's done for Christ will last.♥"
This is after the party she gave to the children last December 26, 2009.
"Serving Others" mean doing something good for people without expecting anything. God sees and He knows how to repay.
Mike and I always pray be have done something to our brethren no matter how small. We pray this post would have spoken what they deserve. Thank you very much. God bless us all!
Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. 1 Timothy 4:15
This is an e-mail I wrote my uncle and aunt just a few days ago. I am sharing it with you all with a hope that you, too, will be blessed.
"Blessings to you all from the Most High God who personally gives us everything we need according to His will for us.
Happy thanksgiving everyday to Jesus Christ who gave His life to save us from sins, and if each one of us would truly accept Him personally and heart-fully as our personal Savior and Lord, we would have the assurance of everlasting life with Him in heaven.
With the Holy Spirit who gives us daily guidance to do right from wrong, let us truly listen to Him always.
In everything we give our thanks, in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen."
31...If ye continue in my word, [then] are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John :31, 32
I had written this question in the BlogFrog and Christian Twitter Forums hoping and praying people would really care to answer honestly. Thanks that Mike and I always have the same answers regarding this. What is in the Authorized Bible is the truth. We cannot change it regardless of our own needs, wants, desires, fears of others' opinions toward us, even our own "would-have-been" opinions, etcetera. We cannot change the Bible to fit in to our own opinions otherwise, it is not dependable at all. It's is God's word and He does not lie.
This was the discussion I wrote at BlogFrog (Christian Twitter write-up had a slightly different tenor): "This is something we want to discuss because many adhere to seemingly true "biblical" opinions but which are halfway truth when we really read the Bible. Are your biblical beliefs really based on real bible truth or on what your personal opinion about certain doctrinal truth? We really want your honest opinion."
Perhaps you will notice our blog has no Christmas greetings. This is one of the real Biblical truths. You can even read any encyclopedia on the history of Christmas. I wonder why great men of God after Jesus were not able to find His real birthday, if Christmas is really to be celebrated? I truly appreciate the pastor who spoke bravely in the Christian Twitter Forum against this. He knows because he believes what he reads in the Bible.
What about you, friend?What can you say about this?
O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. Psalm 95:6
Dear friends,
Good day to you all.
I was a teacher before I had stroke so that education is very important to me. I am also a Christian who believes God can use me even with physical disability.
Love in Action Christian Outreach is not the ministry God has given me. Neither it is established in the church where I am affiliated with. It is the pure desire of this true Christian young lady, Miss Maria Elena Escasiñas, who is used by God to lead this children ministry that prompted Mike and I to help even in prayers. She and very few volunteer mentors teach street children in her neighborhood basic literacy while God save their souls through them. Below are our (Mike and I) prayer requests for Love In Action Christian Outreach.
Prayer requests:
1) Learning books (new or used), audio-visual learning gadgets and materials (new or second hand), school supplies, classroom furniture and fixtures, etc. for classroom use of street children. (The ministry volunteer-teachers are still conducting mobile classes on streets.)
2) Plan to conduct a small party on December 26 for street children and very poor neighbors:
a. Place to conduct the party as the recently-rented classroom is not available yet (no signal from landlord to use the room yet).
b. Giving “Bundles of Joy” to families - one (1) sack rice (1 kilo per family), noodles and canned sardines.
c. Eat-All-You-Can Ice cream at 1,000 to 1,500 Philippine pesos per ice-cream drum/container or more/less US$ 34 at P 45/US$.
3) Continued financial support for the room rental until the school will be able to support itself.
4) Sponsorship for a street child’s schooling at US$ 20 or US$ 200 for 10 children for the whole program coverage [once the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) will be established and teachers trained. Kindly visit this website and be encouraged: http://www.schooloftomorrow.com/globalsupportteam/BLESS.htm]
5) Training of teacher-volunteers in ACE curriculum as this is not the same with the basic literacy curriculum in the Philippines.
Please pray with us and help when you can.
Thank you very much.
Sincerely in Christ,
Luisa (with Mike)
Contact Information of Love In Action Christian Outreach:
To every [thing there is] a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1
Had major repairs on pc... We are back now after three weeks of long-waiting. We do miss this blog very much.
Thanks to those who have visited us even when we were not able to make it. Those who had truly involved themselves and were counted, not just as visitors, but as friends who had left their names and photos with us, our sincerest gratitude. You truly make our day very much.
We have truly dedicated this work to God that is why we pour out ourselves to this blog as a tribute to Him. Your response to our invitations have encouraged us to continue for as long as He will allow it. We pray that blessings be channeled to you, too, from the Most High God as you get involved with us continually.
Our theme now is SAVING MONEY. We find this a very good decision (and a very good theme)! Why? The real thing is, what we really need are the very important things in life that even money cannot buy. The excess expenditures would be burdens to our pockets - what with crises everywhere.
Never forget God's share even if you are hard-up. He will surely take care of you and He promised that. He is the giver of all. Here is what the bible has to say: 6 But this [I say], He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, [so let him give]; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. 8 And God [is] able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all [things], may abound to every good work: 2 Corinthians 9:6-8.
Your faithfulness to God is what He really need. Find a Christ-faithful church and give to God first (tithes, offerings or giving). Spend the rest of your money wisely.
If you ask us about real SAVING MONEY (in a worldly sense and after taking God's share), BUY ONLY IMPORTANT THINGS. Check out before you get the items in the display counters and ask yourself, "Do I need the items very badly (and honestly)?" If you don't, then they're certainly not important. You are better off without them anyway!
Friends, do help us make our blog better. Tell us what to do and feel free to give comments on the articles of our blogs because we appreciate them very much. Please know that we, too, would return the good favors you would have extended us.
Your friendship is worth keeping. God bless us all!
But he [was]wounded for our transgressions, [he was] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace [was] upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5
Close your eyes and meditate. Feel, think, see that cross that Jesus died on and realize He died to set you free. Come... get on your knees, what do you see? He was nailed to the cross that He took and bore all our sins on Himself. Christ's BLOODwas shed for you and l whether we want to admit this or not. No doubt He bled out of control for us all on this earth which was once beautiful, but now man has destroyed it with his filthy hands.
We have no idea what Christ's face ever looked like, but His hands would of been hard and calloused due to being a carpenter, not soft and smooth looking like so many religions depict Him as having in their pictures of Him. His eyes no one knows what looks like, but He would of been shedding tears while hanging on that old rugged cross made out of a tree, weeping for each and every one of us sinners who deserve to take His place.
He suffered cruelly so we may have life. So, we all may have life and a choice to make a decision in whether we want to go to Hell or live and be in heaven with our wonderful Saviour.
That old cross, if you were to see Him in person as He was when He died on the cross, would you been able to take the horrendous sight of Jesus Christ our Lord being battered, bruised, beaten, mocked, ridiculed, made fun of, whipped, flesh torn from Him with strips hanging off Him, or was His death and crucifixion just a means for you to remember Him as He once was? And, not the reality of what really happened that sad day, saddest day in the history of the world.
His battered, bruised, BLOODIED and pierced body, you may ask why it happened? Good question to ask yourself and you will come up with the answer.
Now.....do YOU want His love; unconditional in you? Do you want to be saved from HELLFIRE? Or do you want security in knowing you can have eternal life with our Lord and Saviour in heaven? Read the 3 epistles of John in your Bible, as well as the book of John. Speak with a preacher or a strong Christian friend and they can lead you to Christ.
(c) November 2009, Mike Carey
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Acts 16:31
That is thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart, that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9
For the pastors, ministers, and church leaders to seriously ponder upon:
Be on your guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which he purchased with His own blood.
28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. 29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Acts 20:28,29 KJV
Some words and picture presentation were taken from: (with permission to publish)
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14
Couple's Nest is not into this ministry, but we feel the need of these children. We thought of offering our blog to help them through information service.
We met Maria Elena Escasiñas through facebook as one of the Independent Fundamental Baptists Site followers. It was then that we know of the outreach for children. You may want to visit their site on facebook to check on them.Below is the information about the outreach and what Ms. Escasiñas said about the ministry. Please read it. You may be touched by God to help these children, too, in whatever you can.
It is an outreach to the less fortunate and underprivileged children and family in the neighborhood by providing a mini-library center/facility wherein they can learn the basic foundations of education with the use of the Bible as the source of teaching and values formation.
The mini-library will serve as a facility in aiding children in their schooling. In the event of no schooling, will serve as a facility that will teach them basics in education and good morals and right conduct in light of God's Word.
This outreach wishes to provide adequate means of livelihood to the parents as well so that, they may sustain the needs of their family and their children especially in the educational program and at the same time can stand on their own after the program for their children ends in the facility.
Ms. Escasiñas said:
"Please help me make this OUTREACH a reality not for me, BUT for these less fortunate kids and their family. Famous line of the song, always reminds me of my purpose in life... ONLY ONE LIFE SO SOON IT WILL PASS, ONLY WHAT'S DONE FOR CHRIST WILL LAST.
The program is still in its infant stage. We dont have the so-called 'facility' yet. It's all by faith that God will provide this facility soon through the use of His people. As you can see, we are holding the class outdoors. Everything starts from humble beginnings.
'Attempt great things for God, expect mighty things from God.'~~TO GOD BE THE GLORY, GREAT THINGS HE HATH DONE."
Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.Psalm 107: 6
(This is in reference to Psalm 107: 6,13,19,28.)
I won't go into the story behind this chapter, but you will see where I am going with it on a personal basis for each one of us.
Ever wonder why we tend to trust in ourselves, others and the things of this world than to trust and put our complete faith in our Lord God who loves us more than we could ever fathom?If you look at this in Psalm and read the entire chapter, you will notice thing, which I did.
Four times it is mentioned in Psalm 107, and the Lord got me on verse 6. As I read on (I saw it 4 times), it tells me 4 times the LORD expects us to cry out to Him in our times of trouble. Not just 4 times, but I think the emphasis on the four times is for us to see our need for Him all the much more as the day approaches of His soon-to-be return. We are to trust Him more, be faithful to Him more in all things, surrender to Him all the more, and be in obedience and subjection to Him even more due to the temptations of the world. We are not to be under rule by the world and its standards of godliness, truth, righteousness and purity. We are to KNOW we have a wonderful Saviour who can lead us out of all turmoils, problems, and troubles IF only we ignore the pleas of this world's offer, turn to Christ, give in and follow HIS pleas. We also are to serve Him, not faint and be weary in well-doing for Him.
When we are troubled by the things that we let bother us; what we think about how hard some Bible studies may be and WE CAN'T TAKE THE WORKLOAD AND RESPONSIBILITY; what others think of us; the opinions of our Pastors, families, relatives, friends and co-workers, though may be good and in good intentions; if not God and Christ led their opinions, they will just sway us in the opposite direction that the Lord has given to us to follow, HIS DIRECTION FOR US. The song, Where He Leads Me I Will Follow, should be our plea to Jesus Christ our LORD.
When we cry in our troubles and afflictions, as so many times I have, we come to the place where we feel all is lost and there is no hope. We feel useless and we tire of working so hard that we can't take it anymore. We feel like giving up.BUT, in those times, the Lord has delivered me out of my distresses. Why? Because I put my faith and trust back in Him! I rely more on Him than I did before.
As a born again Christian, I am very weak in many areas of my walk with our Lord. Yet I know He is faithful to help me through all areas of my life, but only if I put my whole trust, whole faith, whole surrenderedness, and whole self to Him. I must allow Him to use me for His will and purposes.
What I find of utmost importance is to PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. Without prayer none of us will ever have that relationship with Him that we think we have. He desires us to be more like Him in all ways.
Friends, cry out to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ now and allow Him to be the focal point of and in your life. Make Him have control over you. Allow Him to be your first in all things. Let Him deliver you out of all depths of despair, problems, troubles, and negativeness. Look up and around you. He will stand beside you to help you in your walk with Him. Don't ignore Him and His plea for you to come back to His loving arms. He is holding out to you. Enter into His haven of rest where He shall lift you up out of the pit and set your feet on solid ground. He will establish your goings and set you forth on the right path to the best riches you can have. There, you will be in a heavenly home in glory where He is preparing a place for you. Amen.
We got this message from our email (mikenluisa@yahoo.com).
Thursday, November 12, 2009, 8:15:20 AM
Hi MikenLuisa Carey,
You received a new Blogged message from Kim Covington.
"NO!!! I should be saying thank you for your blog. It is very inspiring. Please keep up the great work! I could not stop reading it yesterday. I am new to this blogging but I find yours to be awesome. I love it!"...
Sincerely, Blogged.com
Kim, thank you very much. You encourage us to write more for God's glory!
Yesterday, our good church pastor's sermon was all about the different kinds of Christians. I just thought of sharing them with you. I assessed myself already. It's now your turn :).
Kinds of Christians:
a) Those who live for themselves or those who live for Christ.
b) Those who seek their own or those who seek the things of God.
...loving couple who love God very much.
"Our love has gone so strong that it crosses beyond sickness (Luisa's stroke), boundaries (Canada and Philippines), peculiar situations, and cultural differences; yet we are here because God is on our side. One day soon, at His most appointed time, we will be together."
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Lord Jesus, forgive me for being a sinner and for all the sins I have committed. Starting now, I put my trust in You. I receive You as my personal Lord and Savior. Enter my heart and save me. Amen.
No part of any of these write-ups may be rewritten or reworded without the written consent and/or permission from the writers. Some pictures are taken from general clip arts and pictures, ChristArt.com, 1st-art-gallery.com, flickr and AllPosters.com.