Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Children Make Us Feel Good

...Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Mark 10:14

Children are truly blessings from God!

Cute Nephews and Nieces Then

Cute Nephews and Nieces Now

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Remembering The Great Men of God

This blog is designed to tell the whole world the goodness of God, not just in our lives, but in the lives of people who have taught us faithfulness.  Therefore, whatever we (Mike and Luisa) write, they are inspired to give honor to Him for He had first done much for us. 

Since it is necessary to dig files to support some of our writings, we were also able to read biographies of the great men of God. These encourage us to come-up with a twice-a-month presentation of the different biographies (Mike's work is to research for short write-ups of these people including their pictures.  He will also decide who to feature every two weeks.  Luisa will copy-paste the work including copyrights of the writers). 

Friends,  here is our first feature:

whitefield.jpg (16203 bytes)

1714 – 1770

He was born into situation that didn't reflect Wesley's privilege, yet he evangelized many among the social elite of England. He was afflicted with a squint so severe that no one know exactly where (or at whom) he was looking, yet he drew vast outdoor crowds who never took their eyes off him. Benjamin Franklin, who heard him preach many times in Pennsylvania, declared that he had a "voice like an organ."

George Whitefield was born in Gloucester, England; his remains are buried in Newburyport, Massachusetts. He voyaged to the New World seven times (a one-way trip took two months) and was equally at home on both sides of the Atlantic.

Having languished in spiritual emptiness and disquiet for several years, Whitefield’s "birth" was aided by the spiritual midwifery of a godly bishop who directed him to John 7:37: "Let anyone who is thirsty come to me [i.e. Jesus]." Whitefield exclaimed aloud, "I thirst!" – and recalled that when Jesus uttered these words his struggle was almost over. He realized too that for the first time in his life he had implicitly renounced any claim upon God’s favour and explicitly acknowledged his helplessness. Immediately he was granted assurance of his new nature in Christ and his new standing before God.

The young Anglican preacher was transparent to the message that had altered him. The day the twenty-two year old was ordained his sermon won over the hungry even as it antagonized the hardened. On this occasion his opponents complained that his preaching had driven fifteen people mad. "I hope their madness lasts until next Sunday," replied the bishop who had sponsored him.

In 1738 he stumbled into a development that was to characterize the Evangelical Awakening. Standing in the pulpit of the crowded-out church in Bermondsey, he was haunted by the fact that a thousand-plus stood outside, and haunted doubly because of the reason they were there: they gave off an odour that no one could deny and few would endure. He told his friend John Wesley of his plan to begin "field-preaching." Wesley thought the scheme insane (until he had to admit its effectiveness). It was also illegal since the Conventicle Act permitted outdoor preaching only at public hangings!

Before long, however, a scheduled execution brought it about. Whitefield’s heart had been broken by the coalminers at Kingswood, Bristol – men as violent as they were vulgar. Once the date for the hanging had been set the miners began anticipating the celebrations surrounding the entertainment. When the murder "cheated" them of their amusement by committing suicide, the miners dug up the corpse and partied around it.

They and their families were 100 percent illiterate, stuck in a degradation that defies description. Whitefield walked among them, in full clerical attire, and began speaking to them from Matthew 5: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Thoroughly despised and contemptuously shunned, these people found in Whitefield someone who loved them and therefore did not fear them. Grimy with caked-on dirt and coated in coal dust as they were, Whitefield wrote of them in his diary that as he preached he saw "the white gutters made by their tears down their black cheeks."

Immediately church authorities arranged for all Anglican pulpits to be closed to him. He was undaunted. The next Sunday ten thousand people joined themselves to the Kingswood miners. Opposition intensified. When Whitefield attempted to visit prisoners in Newgate jail, the Corporation of Bristol suddenly "remembered" to appoint a prison chaplain! Nonetheless, disadvantaged people returned his love for them. After hearing Whitefield preach time after time poverty-stricken miners collected money to build a school for their children: the impoverished were not to be exploited by the socially privileged!

Yet more than the high-born opposed Whitefield. At Moorfields one lout climbed a tree overlooking the preacher and urinated at him. Ever the master at turning opposition into gospel-advantage, Whitefield rhetorically asked the crowd, "Am I wrong when I say that man is half devil and half beast?" – and then commended anew that gospel whereby anyone at all may become a child of God.

In the New World Whitefield preached form Georgia to New England, always raising money for the orphanage he had established in Savannah. New York, Boston, Philadelphia, the Carolinas, Harvard University: all were beneficiaries of his ministry as he was anything but "the generality of preachers who talk of an unknown and unfelt Christ."

Before he died the "threefold cord not quickly broken" (Whitefield, plus John and Charles Wesley) was reknit. He and the Wesleys had agonized and grown apart over Whitefield’s adherence to the doctrine of predestination. When they were joyfully reconciled he wrote in his diary, "Prejudices, jealousies and suspicion make the soul miserable."

John Wesley preached at the memorial service which was held for Whitefield in England. "He had nothing gloomy in his nature," said John, "being singularly cheerful, as well as charitable and tender hearted." It was true. When a Quaker had chided Whitefield for wearing full Anglican vestments Whitefield had replied good-naturedly, "Friend, you allow me my vestments and I shall allow you your peculiar hat."

When their disagreement had been sharpest concerning predestination Wesley was asked if he expected to behold Whitefield on the final Day. "I fear not," John had replied, "for George will be so much nearer the throne of grace." It was in the memorial sermon that John spoke most succinctly of his friend: "Can anything but love beget love?"

                                                          Victor Shepherd

Friday, April 23, 2010

God Does Cry You Know, But Do You?

 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if [there be any] wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23,24

I have that one verse for you all. I am  pondering what does God think when I say I love Him? Yet, I have little or no more feeling towards the ONE who created and given me the miracle of breath for life? What about when I sin and never search myself to find out what I did and why I did it?  Should I not examine myself and see what is in my heart for GOD Almighty instead of being worldly and ignoring the ONE who is weeping for me because I don't acknowledge HIM and His sovereignty, grace, and mercy? 

The Lord weeps not just for me, but also for you and the rest of the world, especially the Christians who ignore the Lord Jesus because of their blatant denial of Him due to there ignorance and superficial pride.  We do not realize that as sinners (read 1 Timothy 1:15), we need our Lord Jesus Christ more than we realize it.  We need to lower ourselves more than anyone does, submit, surrender and humble ourselves more than ever to God now because Satan has a hold of this dark, dingy, desolate world.  Therefore, it is not enough to know we are saved from Hell nor we are saved from Satan's paws when he reaches out to grab all the lost and even make Christians backslide for his purpose. There is more.

Friend, let me ask you several questions and answer them honestly.  Do you search yourself and see what sins you may be hiding in secret? Do you have secret faults that you hide from others and yourself?  (Well, we all have secrets we don't admit, right?) Furthermore, have you searched your heart and allow the Lord to see the deeper side of your soul you hide much from others?  (We can hide nothing from our great God in heaven.) Do you allow God to see your deep innermost thoughts and ask Him to reveal them to you?  Do you get convicted and humiliated so that you can repent and ask His forgiveness?   Or, do you backslide and  intentionally harden your heart to what He is trying to convict you on?  Are you asking Him to see what wicked and vile sins are in you so that you can repent them and get right with Him?  Or, again, are you rebelling against Him?  Have you strayed from His arms when He is always ready to take you back?

A tear is shed by our Lord Jesus every time one of His children rejects His teachings, denies His Holy Word, led astray by the world, lives in rebellion and is liberal-minded, sins yet never repents of it, plus so much more that I am sure many of you can think of. A tear is shed every time we sin against a Holy God.  He can, at any time, wipe us off the face of the earth without even a wink! A tear is shed by our Lord God when we backbite, gossip, commit adultery, fornication, lie, cheat, steal, covet, blaspheme, lust, have other gods, etc. The list is endless.

Search yourself and your thoughts.  Ask God to forgive you.   Only after you have been convicted by Him, have repented in tears, and have turn away from sins never to go back to them, will He make you clean and spotlessly white. You can only be given His righteousness after you are born again and saved. 

DO YOU CRY FOR THE SINS YOU COMMIT AGAINST GOD ?  Or, do you think you have none? Do you look in the mirror, cry and ask God why He allows you to even live another day?  Do you watch your reflection and ask Him to convict you? Do you ask His forgiveness after all you do against HIM? Do you hate the sins in your life enough to cry out to GOD, ask Him to show you more of your sins so that you can confess them all and ask for HIS mercy?  We all deserve hell.  None of us deserve to go to heaven.  God has every right to send us all to eternity of misery because of our sinfulness, rebellious hearts and severe attitudes.  

Have you asked the Lord to search your heart and thoughts?  Does He bring to the surface your secret sins and be convicted so that you  can confess?  Admit your sin-guilt, and hate your sins with a passion if you fear  Him, and even at one time if you disobey Him?  Yet, the big problem is, we have no fear of GOD.

To fear GOD is to be obey Him.  It is to be afraid of the consequences when we decide sinning.  We must avoid sin because we respect, revere, and fear the Almighty. We are not to fear men nor what they can do to us  because of  our  relationship with the living God.  We must fear GOD.

(c)April 2010, Michael Carey

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Church Affiliation: A Crucial Choice

But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. 1 Timothy 3:15

Mike and I go to different churches.  He attends the Amazing Grace Baptist Church in Nova Scotia, Canada while I go to Bethany Baptist Church in Cantilan, Philippines,  It is quite a long distance apart.  In fact, we are half-a-globe away!  Yet, we do fervently believe we have attended churches that belong to the true and living God.  In other words, we are one in worship, united in Christ, one in the Holy Spirit, and someday we will go to heaven together with other believers.

As I was reading the Amazing Grace Baptist Church tract, I began assessing my church if it qualifies.  I was very happy it did!  Praise God! It is not because I want to fit in to Mike's choices, but that the criteria are based on the word of God, the Authorized Bible.  It must be otherwise it is not God's true church! 

Friends, here are the criteria (Choosing a Church by the Amazing Grace Baptist Church, Bridgetown, NS, Canada).  Assess your church (i.e. pastors and leaders, too) in relation to YOU attending the services:
1.    They clearly teach how to know for sure that I am going to heaven when I die. (1 John 5:13)
2.    I can easily apply the preaching to my everyday life. (Colossians 1:9,10)
3.    All teaching is from the words of God, not man's words. (1 Corithians 2:4,5)
4.    A life of holiness and conformity to scripture is taught and shown by example. (2 Corinthians 7:1)
5.    There is a demonstration of love and compassion among the Christians. (1 John 3:14)
6.    There is an intangible Holy Spirit that ministers to my heart. (Romans 8:16)
7.    There is an abundance of sound teaching and Bible doctrine to feed me spiritually. (Acts 20:28)
8.    They believe the same Authorized Bible that I can read in English (we have vernacular version based on Authorized Bible) is God's final authority in all matters. (1 Corinthians 14:9)
9.   People are routinely given an invitation to come to Christ and submit their will to God. (Matthew 11:28)
10.  Sinners are regularly warned of eternal suffering in Hell for all who reject Jesus Christ as their Saviour. (Ezekiel 33:8)

Friend, be honest with yourself.  Assess whether the Bible clearly states what your practices in the church are.  If they do not follow what the Bible teaches, then you know you are taught differently, too.  Then, you know exactly where YOU might go when you leave this world.  What really matters most is how each of us will stand before God when the time will come.  Make your choice now before it is too late.  

(c) April 2010, Luisa Mercado

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Picture and A Thought...

Blessed [is] the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful... And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. (Psalm 1:1,3)

This Is Yours

We found this inspiring art image from facebook  website.  Because you deserve it, we are sharing it with you:

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Thoughts

You want revival, but is it well with your soul? If you want the glory of God Almighty you better descend to HIM before you ascend. You want the anointing and unction of the Holy Spirit? You better get in deep travailing prayer. If you think of yourself to be something, you'll grieve and quench the Holy Spirit that He won't come and work in you to bring the Lord glory.

No tears, no conviction, no repentance, no saving grace from Jesus Christ our Lord. The glory of the Lord won't flow in you like a river, if you won't allow Him to humiliate you and be surrendered to His will. If you want your heart fully blessed you better keep your eyes on Lord Jehovah our God. No trust in the Lord? How you expect Him to supply all your needs? Get right with God, and IF you're willing to trust, surrender, obey, humble yourself and give in to Him wholly. He will hear your hearts' soul cry.

No tears, no conviction, no repentance, no prayers, NO revival. Want to get nearer to God? Then go to Him. What are you waiting for? Run in His arms and He will pull you in to His bosom. You pull away, He'll still be there waiting for you to come back, my friend. If you want God to be thou your vision, you better visualize Him in you heart, soul, and mind, and allow Him to come and accept Him, otherwise you will have nothing but darkness forever.

(c) April 2010, Michael Carey

Be Still

When God looks at us with mercy on His face,
How can we forget about His saving grace?
His eyes penetrate ours and what do we do?
Turn away cause we feel sufficient just to be saved anew.
We don't like the idea of meeting Him face to face,
'Cause we have fear, are ashamed, so we need to be disgraced.
Are you being still to hear, and know the Lord is on your side?
Have you stumbled making much noise so you can't with Him abide?
Don't make the terrible and a disturbing wrong choice,
But be still and listen for our sweet Saviour's voice.

(c) April 2010, Michael Carey

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More King James Bibles Please!

All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. Timothy 3:16,17

I had written this on facebook just recently as a comment on the Facebook Website TEXTUS RECEPTUS:

"I am for KJV (Authorized Version) and no other. I pray bible versions (OT/NT) translated solely from the Authorized Version of 1611 would be readily available in many languages and for free. I've seen so many very faithful non-English speaking people who use whatever vernacular bibles available (some translations of the other "english Bibles" because the KJV translated NT bibles are very limited). I've seen the one printed by the Precious Bearing Seed of First Baptist Church, Milford, Ohio. I am so much blessed by what they are doing for the Lord and His vineyard. I pray for more big (rich) churches to follow.

Please help pray, and when possible, produce and print the translated Textus Receptus. If possible, too, make them available for free. Many people are waiting..."

One day soon, I pray this will become a reality.
God bless us all! ...

(c) April 2010, Luisa Mercado

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nearing Redemption Forever

And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21:27-28

True Christians are waiting for the day when Christ would come to meet His saints in the air to be with Him in heaven.  In simpler term, it is called RAPTURE.  It will be a day of redemption from the miseries of this world and God's  vengeance for His suffering saints. What a glorious day this will be! 

I am looking forward to it very much because I want to be with the Lord forever.  There would be complete healing of my paralyzes, too.  If He would not heal me now,  for sure He would on rapture!  What blessings to expect.

Mike, too, is waiting for rapture like me.  Are you, friends?   If not, think for this is now the time.  The Lord  is still listening.  Tomorrow might be too late.

(c) April 2010, Luisa Mercado 

Friday, April 2, 2010

Thoughts From A Friend: Never Give Up

Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I put my trust. Psalm 16:1

While I was scanning on my facebook account, somebody left me this note with a picture on it and an instruction to click it for bigger view.  Although I do not know her much, I cannot but thank her for her effort specially when she left me a message.  Here is what she said:

I give you a picture of God's good earth to brighten your day. As others say to me: never give up, Luisa.

Yes, let's never give up because God is the reason why we are still here. 

God bless us all.

(c) April 2010, Luisa Mercado