Are you speechless when it comes to fellowship with Jesus Christ? You would be if you know Him as your personal Saviour. If you don't know Him, you won't be. If you are a very strong Christian, you would be speechless. A weak one? You won't be.
Oh, to be like Jesus Christ is to know Him personally and to touch Him as we reach out to Him and feel His arms encircle us with deep love. If we could ever show Him the deep, tender, passionate, intimate, amazing love that our Lord Jesus shows us each day, oh my, we would be more in love with Him every single day of our lives! We would be more convicted, and more afraid of His consequences if we dare sin against such a Holy God.
Why we sin against Him is because we have no fear nor reverence of such a truly wonderful, magnificent and Holy Lord God. Many times we make Him out to be the God we expect or want Him to be for us. What wickedness on our part and what retribution we all will pay if we continue in this way. He truly loves us all, but He is also angry with the wicked everyday. He hates our sins whether they are on purpose or not. The little sins we do are just as hurtful to Him as any big sin. Sin is sin, no matter what we say, do, act, or react.
How do you picture our great Almighty God? I have four points for you that our Lord has laid in my heart to tell you about.
He gives more to us each and every day. We do not deserve His great abounding grace that He so willingly gives to us, hell-deserving sinners. This is one major and main reason why He deserves our SPEECHLESSness toward Him. We should be so overwhelmed with His endless grace (and we don't deserve to have) that we should be on our face everyday thanking Him for what He has given and allowed us to have each new day of our living lives. If not for God's grace, we would be going to a sinner's hell. He is the best thing that could ever happen to any of you reading this (You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Victoria Valley Girls). Is He worth you being SPEECHLESS towards Him?
How is He so good to us? Why, read your Bible and you will see innumerable passages that state His goodness to us. He is good to us because He gives us what we need to survive each day. He gives us His tender mercy we don't deserve. He gives us His Holy Spirit to convict us of our terrible sins. He shows us our need for repentance and turning back to His arms to be held one more time, one more day. He gives us food, clothing, shelter, transportation, our every need each day. He gives us more than we ever deserve.
Speechless yet? It should be. He should make us all speechless and in tears EVERYDAY knowing how good our God truly is. He doesn't have to give us anything as we all deserve to go to HELL. Most of all (and the best of all), He gave us His SON Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us and shed His blood so that we may all have life. His SON gave us a choice whether to go to heaven or to hell. Out of His goodness and abundant mercy He has saved me, and you, too, I pray. Are you SPEECHLESS yet?
How much mercy has He given you? Me? So much that l am still alive today to write this, and that when I die I will go to heaven not hell. If not for His mercy, we all would have no choice in anything. We have a liberal, rebellious attitude, full of hatred and bitterness many times. To be rid of them, He gives us His grace, His goodness, and now His great mercy. God does not have to show mercy to any of us. He can allow us to die a horrible death, but due to His grace, His goodness and now His mercy, we have a choice to be saved, become a child of His and be heaven-bound, or reject Him and go to hell.
Well,... SPEECHLESS yet? Is not our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ not worth your worship of Him?
4. HE IS ALL-LOVE Have you painted our Saviour in a corner where He can't touch you, lift you and hold you with His loving arms? Oh, please don't reject, and deny Him and His pure love for you. He does love you more than you know. He will save you even though you may feel defenseless in not knowing which way to turn. His love is endless, everlasting, and enduring. He is waiting to embrace you, bring you back to Him if you are saved and if in a back-slidden state, He will bring you out of it. If unsaved, He loves you and did not make hell for you or me. Hell was made for the devil and his demons, not for man or woman. His love overflows so much that it can't be contained. Come to Him. The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
SPEECHLESS in a way that He is gracious, good, merciful, and loving?
Any words you like to say? Convicted? In tears? On your knees in repentance? Christian, have you given in to Him, confess your sins yet? Repented yet? Ask His forgiveness yet? Has His Holy Spirit been touching you now? Are you feeling anything? Non-christian, have you accepted Jesus as your Saviour? If so, you will go to heaven. Don't go to that nasty terrible hell when our God has a beautiful place awaiting you in heaven, if you come to His Son Jesus Christ. Oh, what a day that will be when we will see our Jesus in heaven waiting for us one day very soon. No gloom, no despair, no tears, no fears, no being tempted by the devil anymore. To see our Jesus face to face and to be like Him, we shall be like Him, to be perfect, and to have peace, joy, happiness for ever.
(Written after I sinned against our Almighty and wonderful Lord Jesus Christ. This is soon to be written in sermon form.)
(c) August 2009, Michael Carey